
2024 UTMSU Electoral Reform


Looking to have a say in how student union elections are held on campus? 🗳️

The UTMSU has heard student voices calling for more transparent and open elections and are offering forward an opportunity to provide input and feedback on election policies as they are updated and reformed prior to the 2024/2025 academic year.

We will be hosting two town halls for students – one in-person and one online, to lay out current election practices and next steps for input on specific aspects of the election process. 

Current election rules and regulations are always available via the UTMSU website under Election Procedure Code.


These town halls are scheduled:

In-Person Town Hall

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

4 – 6 PM

Student Centre Presentation Room


Online Town Hall

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

4 – 6 PM

Online via Zoom


Interested in attending a town hall?

Please visit the link here and complete the registration form in advance of the meeting you intend attending. Pre-registration is required.


Why are we looking to improve our election system?

We take students’ concerns seriously. As students have had concerns about the integrity of our election process, we want to disclose transparency and hear students’ feedback to rebuild our electoral system.

These meetings will be conducted by a third party consultant and require pre-registration. All individuals (UTM students only) interested in participating should follow the link in our bio/story. Further information will also be available at utmsu.ca/elections.

Any questions or accommodation requests can be sent to cro@utmsu.ca.



UTMSU Spring 2024 Elections

The annual University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) Spring Election is an opportunity for members to run for positions and elect an Executive Committee and Board of Directors to serve for one-year terms.

The Executive Committee strives to ensure that the academic and social needs of undergraduate students are met by building a more inclusive educational and campus life experience for all students while the Board of Directors set the work and vision of the organization for the upcoming year. The UTMSU currently has five (5) ‘Executive’ and fourteen (14) ‘Board’ positions eligible for the upcoming election. 

All UTMSU members are eligible to vote in this election.

Nomination Period – Monday, February 26 from 10:00am to Friday, March 1st at 5:00pm EST.

All Candidates Meeting – Saturday, March 2 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm EST.

Silent Period – Friday, March 1 from 5:01pm to Monday, March 4 at 8:59am EST.

Campaign Period – Monday, March 4 from 9:00am to Thursday, March 14 at 6:00pm EST.

Candidates Forum @ the Blind Duck – Wednesday, March 6 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm EST.

Voting Period – Tuesday, March 12 to Thursday, March 14 from 9:00am to 6:00pm EST daily.


In-person voting will take place at the following campus buildings:

  • William G. Davis Building (DV)
  • Communication, Culture, and Technology Building (CCT)
  • Instructional Centre (IB)
  • Maanjiwe Nendamowinan (MN)
  • Kaneff Centre (KN)
  • Mississauga Medical Academy Building (MAM)


The Election Procedure Code governs the UTMSU elections process, you can find the latest version here.

If you may have any questions or concerns about the elections, please do not hesitate to contact our Chief Returning Officer at cro@utmsu.ca.

Campaign period officially opens on Monday March 4th, 2024, at 9:00am EST, and runs until the end of voting period, on March 14 at 6:00pm EST. Candidates are only allowed to engage with campaigning practices such as outreach and postering during that time.

UTMSU’s Spring 2024 Election candidates are listed at the bottom of the page. To learn more about each candidate’s campaign, view their candidate statements online or visit the following buildings on campus to check for in-person outreach or posters:

  • William G. Davis Building (DV)
  • Communication, Culture, and Technology Building (CCT)
  • Instructional Centre (IB)
  • Maanjiwe Nendamowinan (MN)
  • Kaneff Centre (KN)

Voting days are from March 12 to 14, and polling stations are open from 10:00am to 6:00pm every day. All UTM undergraduate students, including students at the Mississauga Academy of Medicine, are eligible to vote. 

You must bring your T-Card or a piece of government issued ID, along with your student number, to the polling station.

Voting is only done via paper ballot at polling stations.

The UTMSU Spring Elections Candidate Forum is a space for students to get to know the candidates’ platforms and ask them questions regarding their plans for the year, if elected.

At the Candidates Forum, you’ll meet the Spring 2024 Election candidates for board and executive, and will get a chance to ask questions to executive candidates after they have introduced themselves.

             Date and Time: Wednesday March 6th, 2024 – 12:00PM to 2:00PM EST

             Location: The Blind Duck Pub

             Zoom Link for Virtual Access: Will be added closer to the forum.

             Question Form for Candidates: https://forms.gle/SiwiZeY5fnPZ9QWD6

Executive Positions 

President (1 Vacancy)

Aryaman Chopra

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for UTMSU President! As your President, I pledge to REDUCE INCIDENTAL FEES. Additionally, I will champion the restoration of OPTIONAL INCIDENTAL FEES. Leveraging UTMSU’s relationship with the city, I’ll enhance campus transit, advocating for increased bus frequency especially for the 199. I will put the S back in the UTMSU.

Ehab James

Hello! My name is Ehab James, I’m in my third year majoring in Political Science and Sociology, and I’m excited to run to be your next UTMSU President! In my time at UTM, I have served you as part of UTM’s Campus Council and Academic Affairs Committee, worked with many of you to address problems you have experienced at UTM, and supported many clubs including the Urbanism Club with initiatives like improving transit. I am excited to continue building on this work, making education more accessible, and improving campus life. Vote ForUTM on March 12th, 13th and 14th! Learn more at ForUTM.ca.

Joelle Salsa

Hi everyone! I am Joelle Salsa, and I am running to be your President at UTM. I’m a third year student, specializing in Theatre and Drama Studies with Sheridan College. As the current president of the Association of Palestinian Students, I am committed to fostering inclusivity and amplifying student voices. I am passionate about student empowerment and representation on campus. With a focus on advocacy and creating a supportive environment, I aim to champion student needs and drive positive change on campus! Vote for EmpowerUTM on March 12th, 13th, and 14th! For more information, check out www.empowerutm.com/.


VP External (1 Vacancy)

Daniel Ripoll

Hey there! I’m Daniel Ripoll, and I’m excited to run to be your VP External! I’m a 4th-year student, pursuing a double major in Political Science and Philosophy. Being VP External for the UTM Mock Trial Club and Filipino Student Association, my passion lies in enhancing public transit and fostering a socially vibrant campus environment through club empowerment and additional study spaces. I strive to transform our campus into a supportive and empowering community, not just a place of learning. Vote for EmpowerUTM on March 12th, 13th, and 14th! Learn about our team at www.empowerutm.com/.

Simran Kaur Rattanpal

Hey UTM! My name is Simran Kaur Rattanpal, I’m in my third year majoring in Political Science and History of Religions. I am excited to run to be your next VP External! As a first-generation university student I’ve taught myself to navigate university by connecting with multiple clubs and societies. Being a part of PLO, WILA, PSLA, and HSS has allowed me to gain insight on resources that should be accessible to students. I am excited to strengthen the UTM community to improve students’ opportunities and rights! Vote ForUTM on March 12th, 13th and 14th! Learn more at ForUTM.ca.


VP Internal (1 Vacancy)

Ronny (Yuyang) Chen

Hello, UTM! I’m Ronny Chen, and I’m thrilled to run for your VP Internal! Heading into my fourth year with a double major in Mathematics and Statistics, my UTMSU journey began with VolunTeam and the UTMSU WeChat Team. This year, as an Associate to the VP Internal, I secured sponsorships for events like Lunar New Year Hot Pot, gaining valuable insights. I aspire to empower students, enhancing professional development opportunities and student services. Vote for EmpowerUTM on March 12th, 13th, and 14th! Learn about our team and our goals at www.empowerutm.com/.

Zhongheng (Albert) Pan

Hi UTM! My name is Zhongheng (Albert) Pan, I’m majoring in Biochemistry and Anthropology, and I’m looking forward to running for the VP Internal position! I am one of next year’s Campus Affairs Committee Governors, and have been involved with groups on campus such as the UTM Residence Council, Erindale Biology Society, Food Services Committee, and more! I will not stop working for an improved student life here at UTM, and I hope I can make a positive change here! Vote ForUTM on March 12th, 13th and 14th! Learn more at ForUTM.ca.


VP Equity (1 Vacancy)

Layla Zarroug

Hi UTM! My name is Layla Zarroug, I’m in my third year, majoring in Political Science and Psychology and I’m looking forward to running to be your next VP Equity! Throughout my journey here at UTM, I have seen the importance of feeling connected to your community through attending BSA and ASA events, allowing me to grasp the importance of diversity on campus. My goal is to implement an inclusive, transparent space for all students and won’t stop working to enhance the student life here at UTM. Vote ForUTM on March 12th, 13th and 14th! Learn more at ForUTM.ca.

Philip Anyang

Hi! My name is Philip Anyang and I’m excited to run for VP Equity! I’m a third-year student studying Economics and Political Science. With my experience at the Equity Diversity and Inclusion Office, I am passionate about bringing more equitable and diverse spaces on campus. As VP External Associate, I supported the development of a Housing Guide, aimed at promoting housing inclusivity and accessibility for all. I am dedicated to equity and creating an environment where all voices are heard and empowered. Vote for EmpowerUTM on March 12th, 13th, and 14th! Check out www.empowerutm.com/.


VP University Affairs (1 Vacancy)

Majo Romero

Hi UTM! My name is Majo Romero, I’m in my 3rd year majoring in psychology and specializing in digital enterprise management. I’m super excited to be running for the VP University Affairs position! I am currently an Event Director for LASA at UTM, and am involved with other student associations, allowing me to expand my social network on our campus and connect with multiple students. I strongly advocate an innovative improvement for the student community and won’t stop until the students’ needs are properly met. Vote ForUTM on March 12th, 13th and 14th! Learn more at ForUTM.ca.

Sidra Ahsan

Hi everyone! My name is Sidra Ahsan, and I am running to be your VP University Affairs! I am graduating with a major in Biology for Health Sciences and minors in Creative Writing and French Studies. I have served as Student Support Associate at the UTMSU, where I worked on lobby documents, to advocate for important issues affecting UTM students. I am passionate about supporting students in achieving their academic goals and empowering them with resources and opportunities to succeed at UTM. Vote for EmpowerUTM on March 12th, 13th, and 14th! Check out our team at www.empowerutm.com/.

Tony Zhou


Division II – Board of Directors (11 Vacancies)

Ahmed Manasreh

Amro Matti

Anaheeta Bhatti

Andrew Park: Union: “an organization that represents the people who work in a particular industry, protects their rights and may agree pay, working conditions, etc. with their employers.” (Cambridge Dictionary) My goals are simple, to represent the voices of students and to protect the rights we deserve. Whatever problems, concerns, or stories you have to tell, I will be there to listen and make it my own. I am one of you, and you are one of us. I can’t promise perfection, but I can promise improvement. And that’s a promise.

Ashley Ganga: Hey UTM! I am Ashley, a third-year DEM student, running for a position on the Board of Directors, for 2024. I have a strong passion for inciting change within the campus and the livelihoods of my peers. As a student, I understand the everyday challenges that students face and acknowledge the need for change. Being on the Board of Directors, I plan to advocate for increased inclusivity and support while empowering every student by taking transformative action. I plan to champion the voices of the students by working on our collective aspirations, to pave a new and exciting future.

Danna Khoutiev: Heyo, UTM! I’m Danna, a third-year Life Sciences student and UTM-MEDLIFE president, who loves her campus as a place bustling with social life and many voices I am awaiting to hear from. Rightfully so, I am excited about this chance to work hand-in-hand with this amazing community and work towards a student union that everyone deserves. The Division II Board of Directors holds valuable influence on the affairs of full-time students along with our struggles and accommodations being of

David Han

Faris Khalili: Hello, my name is Faris and I’m a chemistry specialist in my 3rd year of study! I’m very passionate about trying to improve student life on campus through many means. I hope to push for increased housing, improved prices, and options for food, as well as increasing advocacy for minority groups. I hope to make an actual change that’s longstanding and can benefit students to come, even if I may not be there to see any benefits. Here’s to hoping for better student life in the years to come!

Farzana Ishmael: Hi UTM! I’m Farzana and I’m running for the Division II Board of Directors for 2024! I am a third year Finance and Economics student who has a passion to bring a change to UTM. In my three years at UTM I have got to see how many challenges students deal with, in their daily lives, trying to balance finances, school, work and a social life. By being on the board of directors, I hope to be the voice of UTM students and help bring effective change that supports you as a whole.

Joel (Yue) Xing: Hello UTM! My name is Joel, and I’m running for Division II Board of Directors for the next year! I am a freshman student. I hope to major in statistics. This is my first year at UTM, but my experience attending UTM and volunteering with UTMSU this year has made me realize that students have many hopes and needs that should be met! And hope I can be your spokesperson, let us make UTM better together!

Maya Atto

Nikita Galanin: I’m not just a candidate, I am one of the students. I’m not just running for the board, I am running to be your voice. I’m not just here for the membership, I am here to make a change. Speak your mind for it will be Heard, it will be Valued, There will be Change. – I am Nikita Galanin. I stand for our rights so stand for me.

Pavneet Banwait

Rayan Hobeika

Ryan Ferrara Ellacott: With a proven track record of success in small business activities in Port Credit, Mississauga. I would like to bring the experience I possess to Division II – Board of Directors. My platform is to fairly represent the interests of EVERY student at UTM who has a student number, not my own interests. Advocacy for enhanced corporate sponsorship, fiscal accountability, and innovative ideas to enhance revenue generation to fund more student activities are the core of my platform. On March 12th, 13th and 14th please vote for Ryan Ferrara Ellacott for Division II – Board of Directors.

Sammy Nimour: Hey Everyone! I’m Sammy Abdoullah Nimour running for board of directors. Throughout my 3 years on campus I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many of you and we’ve laughed, cried and complained about all there is on campus. Today, I’m offering the chance to make your voices heard by advocating for the students with the ultimate goal of creating a long lasting change in the culture of UTM that encourages holistic growth and eliminates obstacles that ethnic (or other) groups of students face. With your support, I’m certain we’ll be able to make campus a better place for us and for years to come!

Shakhriyor Bakhtiyorov: My name is Shakhriyor, my commitment is to champion the needs of international students, enhance academic experiences, and drive policy improvements. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by international students, I aim to create more inclusive support systems and resources tailored to their needs. Academically, I will advocate for innovative learning methods, more accessible mental health resources, and expanded academic support services to ensure every student thrives. Policy-wise, I plan to work tirelessly to ensure that our policies reflect the diverse voices of our student body, promoting transparency, equity, and inclusivity. Together, we can build a stronger, more supportive UTM community.

Tireni Babs-Olorunfemi: As a candidate for student government at UTM, I’m Tireni Babs-Olorunfemi, committed to enhancing our university experience on multiple fronts. I advocate for robust student aid, ensuring financial and academic support for all. Equity and equality are paramount, ensuring every student thrives regardless of background. We’ll tackle campus nutrition, promoting healthier options and accessibility. Additionally, improving campus-wide WiFi infrastructure is essential for seamless learning and connectivity. Together, let’s build a UTM where every student can flourish academically, financially, and personally. Elect me, Tireni Babs-Olorunfemi, to champion these vital initiatives for our university community.

Tom (Yi Feng) Chen

Vincent Kunda: Hello UTM! My name is Vincent Kunda, I am a third year undergrad student studying Political Science and French. As a Board of Director candidate, I am committed to fostering an inclusive and vibrant campus community. My platform focuses on amplifying student voices, promoting diversity and equity, and enhancing campus resources for mental health and well-being. With your support, I aim to collaborate with the executive committee to address student concerns and ensure top-down transparency. Let’s create a union that reflects our shared values and goals. Your vote determines our future, UTM!

Weiqi Tan

Yulin (Betty) Dong: Hello! My name is Yulin Dong, and I am a student majoring in CCIT. Through various enriching experiences within the campus, I have come to realize the importance of student representation. My goal is to create a more equitable, inclusive, and diverse campus culture where more student voices are heard. At the same time, I aim to advocate for initiatives such as lowering tuition for students and making more affordable food options available on campus. Vote for Yulin Dong, and let’s work together to create a more innovative and meaningful campus for UTM students.

Division III – Part Time Directors at Large (2 Vacancies)


Division IV – Professional Faculty – Mississauga Academy of Medicine (1 Vacancy)


The virtual Wall of Transparency is a space where candidates can see their demerit points issued by the CRO in the elections.

The unofficial demerits will be sent to the candidates directly, and they have 48 hours to appeal to the EARC. The official demerits will be issued once the 48 hour appeal window has closed.


March 1, 2024: Presidential Candidate Aryaman Chopra received 10 demerit points for pre-campaigning. Details are available by emailing cro@utmsu.ca or visiting the physical wall of transparency in the Student Centre.

March 3, 2024: Presidential Candidate Daria Balgimbay withdrew from the election.

March 6, 2024: Division II Director Candidate Tireni Babs-Olorunfemi received 4 demerit points for Cross-campaigning/Improper distribution of campaign material. Details are available by emailing cro@utmsu.ca or visiting the physical wall of transparency in the Student Centre.