The UTMSU’s Got You – Maintain Your Membership

The University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) is your students’ union, representing over 14,000 full time and part time students at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). The UTMSU is fundamentally committed to the principle of access to education for all. The UTMSU strives towards those goals by providing you with cost-saving services and advocacy to enhance your student experience.
What the UTMSU does for YOU:
- Fight against Tuition Fee Increases and cuts to OSAP
- Provide discounts at Boston Pizza, Wonderland, Cineplex, Bowling and many more!
- Support and fund over 140 Clubs and Academic Societies
- Over 150 Job and Volunteer Opportunities
- Cheapest printing on campus
- Provide academic support for over 400 students
- Student-run Pub and Convenience Store
- Best food and cheapest snacks on campus!
- Provide food for over 200 people each month through the Food Centre
- Affordable student Health and Dental Insurance
- Frosh Week (Orientation) – Making it Fun and Affordable for over 40 Years
- Represent you on a national and provincial level through the Canadian Federation of Students
Victories of the UTMSU:
The UTMSU has a proven track-record of success. Through lobbying and direct action, the UTMSU has successfully:
- Advocated for Academic Policies like Course Retake, Credit No/Credit, Late Withdrawal
- Implemented the U-Pass saving students over $1000 on transit costs
- Established Equity and Sustainability Centres
- Lobbied for a Campus-Wide Sexual Violence Policy
- Secured Free Menstrual Products for all on-campus washrooms
- Eliminated the $35 exam remark fee
- Lobbied for Heated Bus Shelters
- Saved students over $2000 per year by pressuring UofT to eliminate Flat Fees
Why should I maintain my membership?
In January 2019, the Ontario government announced a new policy directive called the “Student Choice Initiative” (SCI). This policy allows students to opt-out of paying levies and union dues that students voted on through democratic referenda. Though it was framed as a way to save students money, the initiative is actually an attack on student democracy, unions and student-run services.
The SCI will significantly reduce the UTMSU’s ability to provide you with crucial services and advocacy. Even if you do not use all the resources that the UTMSU provides, by opting out of the UTMSU you will hinder your fellow classmates who rely on the students’ union, clubs and academic societies to succeed in post-secondary education.
You should not have to choose between your students’ union and an education. At UofT, students pay the highest tuition fees in the country but the government has not properly addressed this issue. The UTMSU wants to save you money by tackling the root of students’ problems like tuition fees, cuts to the Ontario Student Assistance program, skyrocketing international student fees, parking fees and more.
We have strength in numbers but we need your help to continue the fight for an accessible and affordable post-secondary education.