Over thirty years ago, the Canadian Federation of Students developed the “No Means No” campaign to raise awareness about sexual violence campus and intimate partner violence. The “No Means No” campaign consisted of various materials, including buttons and information cards about consent, sexual violence and rape culture. The “No Means No” campaign recognized that as long rape culture and sexual violence persist in our communities, our campuses will remain inaccessible. All students have the right to feel safe and secure on campus.
Since then, the campaign has evolved into the “Consent Is Mandatory” campaign in order to make structural and cultural changes and acknowledge the complex ways that rape culture persists. Rape culture is a societal system that works to benefit abusers and further ostracize survivors. Rape culture does this by normalizing sexual violence and abusive behaviour in media, relationships and every other aspect of society. The “Consent is Mandatory” campaign that builds a culture of consent on campus by normalizing processes of seeking consent and putting survivors first.
In 2014, students across the province, including at UTM, saw a massive victory. The provincial government-mandated all universities and colleges to develop sexual violence policies and on-campus resource centers. The UTMSU has been instrumental in pushing for changes to the UofT Sexual Violence Policy and ensuring that on and off-campus supports are diverse and accessible.
What is consent?
Consent is permission for something to happen to you, around you or with you, whether it be sexual or nonsexual. Consent is enthusiastic, sober, equal in power, can be taken away at any point and is mandatory. Consent is about making sure every person feels safe, comfortable and has ownership over their own body, space and decisions. The way a person identifies, looks, dresses or acts has no influence over whether their consent is given or not given.
To get involved in this campaign contact vpequity@utmsu.ca
If you require immediate assistance please call an ambulance and the police by dialling ‘911’. ECSpeRT (905 569-4925) and Campus Police (911 or 905-569-4333) may also be contacted if you are on campus.
If you choose to speak with someone confidentially please contact any of the following services.
- Health and Counselling centre – for medical help and counselling.
- Rape Crisis – next steps and counselling.
- Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre on-campus – counselling, medical services, academic or workplace accommodations, financial aid and legal aid.